1. In a worksheet, click where you want to insert text.
2. On the Math tab, in the Regions group, click Text Box or Text Block.
Alternatively, press Ctrl+T to insert a text box, or Ctrl+Shift+T to insert a text block.
3. Type or paste text into the inserted text region. Press Enter to add a line space and move to a new line, or Shift+Enter to move to a new line within the text box.
4. To enter math expressions inside a text region, click inside the text region and then on the Math tab, in the Regions group, click Math. Alternatively, press Ctrl+Shift+M. Type a math expression in the empty placeholder.
5. To format a text region, select the text or region to format and click the Text Formatting tab:
◦ In the Text Font group, choose the font, such as font face or color.
◦ In the Paragraph group, click a button to format the text in various ways, such as a bulleted list or an indent.
If no region is selected, the font style preferences you set on the Text Formatting tab, apply to all new text regions in the worksheet.