Functions > Signal Processing > Spectral Analysis > Signal Windowing
Signal Windowing
blackman(n)—Returns a Blackman window of width n.
cheby(n, b)—Returns a Chebyshev window of width n, with sidelobe ripple b.
costaper(n, a)—Returns a cosine taper window of length n, with the percentage of raised cosine given by a.
gaussian(n, a)—Returns a Gaussian window of width n; the parameter a controls the peak width.
hamming(n)—Returns a Hamming window of width n.
hanning(n)—Returns a Hanning window of width n.
kaiser(n, b)—Returns a Kaiser window of width n and parameter b.
nuttall(n)—Returns a Nuttall window of width n.
taprect(n)—Returns a tapered rectangular window of width n.
triangular(n)—Returns a triangular window of width n.
All these functions return a vector of length n containing the corresponding discrete-time data window values.
n is an integer of at least 2. For Chebychev windows, n must be odd.
a is the inverse of the Gaussian variance, a real number between 2 and 20, or, a is a percentage of tapered cosine in costaper, a real number between 0 and 1.
b for Kaiser windows is a real number such that 2 ≤ b ≤ 20.
b for Chebychev windows is a real number greater than 1; typically b > 50.