Vectors, Matrices, and Tables > Creating Arrays and Tables > Example: Nested Arrays
Example: Nested Arrays
Nested arrays can be used to store the results of repeated sequential calculations or imported data.
For information on using this example, see To Copy Math Examples from the Help.
1. Use range variables and the identity function to define a nested matrix containing nine identity matrices.
Click to copy this expression
Click to copy this expression
Click to copy this expression
2. Display the nested matrix M:
Click to copy this expression
In this example, the display of nested arrays is in a collapsed format. The nested array elements are not visible and only the number of rows and columns in each matrix is shown. To display the nested matrix elements, click inside the nested matrix region and then on the Matrices/Tables tab, in the Result Format group, click Collapse Nested Matrices.
3. Display a few sub-matrices of the nested matrix M:
Click to copy this expression
Click to copy this expression
Click to copy this expression
4. Define a nested vector element by element.
Click to copy this expression
Click to copy this expression
Click to copy this expression
5. Display the nested vector B:
Click to copy this expression
6. Create a nested vector by reading in data using the READPRN function.
Click to copy this expression
7. Display the nested vector A:
Click to copy this expression