Introduction > About Searching the Help Center
About Searching the Help Center
The Search icon is always accessible from wherever you are in the Help. Click the icon to open the search box.
The following search rules apply when searching the Help:
Search for any word—To find Help topics that contain one or more of several words, type the words in the Search box.
For example, search for recursive functions program to find Help topics that contain one or more of the listed words, in any order.
Phrase search—To find Help topics that contain an exact phrase, enclose the phrase in quotations.
For example, search for “to delete” to find all Help topics containing the exact phrase.
Wildcard search—To find Help topics that contain the searched for substring.
For example, if you search for press*, your search results will return strings that start with press, such as press and pressing. Searching for press without the asterisk, returns the string press only.